mercoledì 27 gennaio 2010

Really nothing compared to the tragedies here…

But something has bitten me and my hand started swelling.. Couldn’t close it and was soaring..
went to see the Doctor (3 times before to find him..)
He was having dinner with is assistant and of course before to visit me he had to finish it.. but I was invited as well! A Pakistani dinner cooked by his battalion.. he wanted to give me an injection, I refused. He gave me 3 differents drugs then, I googled the principles, they were for rheumatisms.

seen in Panama

Pap airport

Preti e americani, ma sembra una scena di Star Wars

you can not really see it, but a Cuban Aircraft full of aid in being unloaded by the americans...

3 commenti:

  1. I hope the anti-rheumatism drugs helped (maybe you should have accepted the injection?!) and your hand is getting better.

    Thanks for the welcome explanation concerning Star Wars, without it I would have wondered why you were posting pictures of Yemen. Just incredible.

    Buon ricupero e buon lavoro. Saluti ad Haïti chérie.

  2. immagini che parlano.
    belle: sei meglio di qualsiasi telegiornale o approfondimento del caso.

    scrivi di bertolaso, quando puoi.


  3. che manina delicata! magari l'inezione sarebbe stata per le emorroidi, ma che ne sai, poteva sempre aiutare!!!!!!! ;)

    Davvero mi accodo a Tommaso; qui, di Bertolaso, si cerca di non parlare troppo, si vergongano troppo, tale è la brutta figura che gli ha fatto fare con l'america!!!
