as usual for mine.. but this is not mine, is the brand new office one!!!
Gas is there, spark is there, must be something wirh the carb.... I've to take it of and try to clean it.. done, now it starts at the first kick and at the same time i am more relaxed after having done this little road side fix up..
Somebody said that there are like 6000 prisioners that escaped from collpapsed prisons..mixing now with the population..and potentially w
Bringing help?
terremoto, partenza,scosse di assestamento, fame, freddo di notte, caldo di giorno, fatica, zanzare,sporcizia, stress, dolore,stanchezza, angoscia, frustrazione,impotenza, ma la MOTO NOOOOOO.almeno non fare le penne! mam
RispondiEliminagrazie degli updates eddie xxx
RispondiEliminaBello tutto, ma imparati un po' di html così forse riesci a mettere le didascalie sotto le foto.
RispondiEliminaconcordo con la mam: "la moto noooo!!"...e che caspita....