But the best news of the day is that I still have an house (o caye Haitian Creole..) still there.. but I can not really sleep there any more… but finally I had the time to go and check out if I’ll have to pay for February or not!!!
Differently from many other friends I’ve been lucky enough to found it still standing… and nobody got in so far…. But to avoid any problem I’ve set up an anti intrusion system…
Going to sleep again with no shower.. but the base camp should come in tomorrow…
another dusty day but at least in a tropical weather…but who knows when the happy Haitians nights will start again..
about who knows things, let me know thighs! Let me know what happens as am sure from outside you know more than us down here…
but something I heard, Senegal’s President offered land in Senegal to Haitians willing to come back to Africa, what a great country..
Av. John Brown..
Avatar on the Office parking lot??
My pool
My house
My voodoo Anti intrusion system.....hoping it will be scary enough...!
Some 30 MT of HEB (high energy biscuits) arriving for us
buongiorno eddi,
RispondiEliminale voci girano ed eccomi sul tuo blog.
che bello vederti almeno qui.
qui ti pensiamo tutti i santi giorni.
ti linko al volo, perché questo blog è un capolavoro.
abbracci fraterni,
Caro eddie,
RispondiEliminaanch'io sono qui con te!
il tuo diario e le foto rendono perfettamente la drammaticità della situazione.
Sei in gamba: riesci a farci commuovere ma anche sorridere con la tua ironia...
Ti abbraccio forte
Benvenuto nella blogosfera e buon lavoro off line!
RispondiEliminaRomana e Francesco