but at least i wrote something.. yesterday i really coudnt.. and i crashed on my "bed" (mattras on the floor..)
First of all thanks all! I just noticed that you left comments on my pages! I wasn’t aware of this function.. thanks for the support! Really..
At some times, in these days, I’ve seen the thermometer reach 38c.. and in the night is full of mosquitoes a bit strange for being January.. but everything is different in these days..
Today our Executive Director was here, and we succeeded in losting her! Alone in the roads of Port au Prince.. People were really panicking.. dunno really why, now they are peaty empty..
Who has relatives outside and the money to reach them, has gone.. shops are still closed and who knows for how long.. may be until Wal-Mart will open down here??
The Americans continue to arrive.. a 24/24 airbridge continues to bring in troops and assets…they are already more than the UN troops now.. When will they leave? Will they?..
Anyway, everyday life continues.. Today I had to hire some workers…twenty.. to work at our warehouse were we stock relief items for the whole humanitarian community..
we pay “well”: 8 Euro a day.. more than the double of the minimum salary given by law (that anyway nobody really get..)
Whit this money they have to sustain probably an enlarged (already large) family given that many people losted their job.. of course for many of the people there was the firt time they worked as handler… but the need is pushing them to accept anything..
Anybody is in need also in “normal” times.. so how to chose who the twenty would be?
I dunno.. I had just to count them and close the door before the 21st…
On top of the executive director we had the visit of princess rania…but those visits were not the ones I was waiting for this week end..
last hope....
Night shift..
I dont know what to say, just keep us posted.
RispondiEliminame stai a diventà antropologo.. =P
RispondiEliminae' rassicurante poterti almeno leggere.
Anche interessante.
mi era molto piaicuto il tuo sistema di allarme, peccato non abbia funzionato ;)
ma non ti senti discriminato a mangaire cibo per occidentali? hai provato l'ebrezza di mangiare halal? ..scherzo scherzo..
tucuGGina Ale